Did you receive a seed paper card? If so, now it's really getting fun! With this step-by-step plan, a green thumb, and a little help from nature, you'll get your growing paper to bloom. Let's grow!

Step 1
Moisten the paper until it is thoroughly wet
Get the growingpaper really wet! And yes, we mean really wet! It should be wet enough to dissolve and allow the seeds to germinate. Now put the wet paper in a place of your choice. This can be in the garden, in a pot on the balcony or in your flat. We recommend using seedling soil or potting soil. If you want to plant your growing paper in the garden, it is best to do this between mid-May and October. You can, of course, plant it indoors all year round.

Step 2
Cover your growing paper with a thin layer of soil
Now pour about 1 to 1.5 cm (little less than half an inch) of soil onto your growing paper. It is important that there is not too much soil on the paper so that the seeds have enough nutrients, protection, and sunlight to germinate. If the paper is covered with too thick a layer of soil, the seeds will germinate slower or not at all.

Step 3
Water, water and more water
In the beginning, water your growing paper every day. This will keep the paper nice and moist. The best way to do this is with a spray bottle, which distributes the water evenly. If you water with a watering can or a cup, only some of the seeds may get enough water to germinate.

Step 4
Sun, warmth and love
Your new plant feels best at home in a bright and warm place. But be careful about too much direct sunlight. Too much sun can dry out the paper, preventing the seeds from germinating. Then it's a matter of waiting! After a week, you should see the first plants. But now it's not quite ready yet. Once the first stems emerge from the ground, you should continue to water and keep an eye on the new plants. You don't have to water every day, but always in such a way that the plants are thoroughly wet.
How annoying!!! Did you follow all the steps in the step-by-step plan? Making growing paper bloom requires a little green thumb AND a little luck. Was your pot in full sun? Was there a heat wave or a thunderstorm? Then, unfortunately, your seeds may dry out or drown.