Here you will find all our formats as templates to download - ideal for your creative printing projects on growing paper. We offer IDML files that can be opened in many graphics programmes. For those who don't use a professional design programme, we have also created Canva templates that make it easy to design your sustainable print products. Download your template now and get started right away!

DIN formats

Download IDML or Canva templates here and easily design your sustainable printing on growing paper!

Bleed Bleed
DIN A4 - Landscape - (W:29,7 cm x H:21,0 cm)
DIN A4 - Portrait - (W:21,0 cm x H:29,7 cm)
DIN A5 - Landscape - (W:21,0 x H:14,8 cm)
DIN A5 - Portrait - (W:14,8 cm x H:21,0 cm)
DIN A6 - Landscape - (W:14,8 cm x H:10,5 cm)
DIN A6 - Portrait - (W:10,5 cm x H:14,8 cm)
DIN A7 - Landscape - (W:10,5 x H:7,4 cm
DIN A7 - Portrait - (W:7,4 cm x H: 10,5 cm)